OSCCA-approved cryptography

For fully supporting the OSCCA-approved cryptography algorithm, FISCO integrates the national encryption, decryption, signature, verification, hash algorithm and SSL communication protocol in the FISCO BCOS platform based on the OSCCA-approved cryptography standard. The design documents can be found in the FISCO BCOS Design Manual. OSCCA-approved cryptography Version.

Initial deployment of FISCO BCOS OSCCA-approved cryptography version

This section uses the [build_chain] (build_chain.md) script to build a 4-nodes FISCO BCOS chain locally, and uses Ubuntu 16.04 system as an example to operate. This section uses pre-compiled static fisco-bcos binaries for testing on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04.

# rely on the installation of Ubuntu16
$ sudo apt install -y openssl curl
# prepare environment
$ cd ~ && mkdir -p fisco && cd fisco
# download build_chain.sh script
$ curl -LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/`curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases | grep "\"v2\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\"" | sort -u | tail -n 1 | cut -d \" -f 4`/build_chain.sh && chmod u+x build_chain.sh

After performing the above steps, the structure in the fisco directory is as follows:

├── bin
│   └── fisco-bcos
└── build_chain.sh
  • build a 4-nodes FISCO BCOS chain
# Generate a 4-nodes FISCO chain. All nodes belong to group1. The following instructions are executed in the fisco directory.
# -p specifies the starting ports which are p2p_port, channel_port, jsonrpc_port
# According to the following instructions, it needs to ensure that the 30300~30303, 20200~20203, 8545~8548 ports of the machine are not occupied.
# -g The OSCCA-approved cryptography compilation option. It will generate a node of OSCCA-approved cryptography after using successfully. Download the latest version from GitHub by default.
$ ./build_chain.sh -l "" -p 30300,20200,8545 -g

For the build_chain.sh script option, please [refer to here] (build_chain.md). The command that execute normally will output All completed. (If there is no output, refer to nodes/build.log for checking).

[INFO] Downloading tassl binary ...
Generating CA key...
Generating Guomi CA key...
Generating keys ...
Processing IP: Total:4 Agency:agency Groups:1
Generating configurations...
Processing IP: Total:4 Agency:agency Groups:1
[INFO] FISCO-BCOS Path   : bin/fisco-bcos
[INFO] Start Port        : 30300 20200 8545
[INFO] Server IP         :
[INFO] State Type        : storage
[INFO] RPC listen IP     :
[INFO] Output Dir        : /mnt/c/Users/asherli/Desktop/key-manager/build/nodes
[INFO] CA Key Path       : /mnt/c/Users/asherli/Desktop/key-manager/build/nodes/gmcert/ca.key
[INFO] Guomi mode        : yes
[INFO] All completed. Files in /mnt/c/Users/asherli/Desktop/key-manager/build/nodes

After the deployment of the OSCCA-approved cryptography alliance chain is completed, the rest of operations are same as [installation] (../installation.md).

OSCCA-approved cryptography configuration information

The nodes of FISCO BCOS OSCCA-approved cryptography version message through using SSL secure channel. The main configuration items of the SSL certificate are concentrated in the following configuration items:


data_path:path where the certificate file is located
key:the path of the node private key relative to the data_path
cert: the path of the certificate gmnode.crt relative to data_path
ca_cert: the path of certificate gmca

;certificate configuration
    ;directory the certificates located in
    ;the node private key file
    ;the node certificate file
    ;the ca certificate file

using OSCCA-approved cryptography SDK

For details, refer to [SDK Documentation] (../sdk/sdk.html#id8).

using OSCCA-approved cryptography console

The function of OSCCA-approved cryptography console is used in the same way as the standard console. See [Console Operations Manual] (../manual/console.md).

OSCCA-approved cryptography configuration

OSCCA-approved cryptography Key Manager

Using the OSCCA-approved cryptography Key Manager needs to be recompiled the standard Key Manager. The difference of them is -DBUILD_GM=ON option needs to be added when doing cmake.

# under centos
cmake3 .. -DBUILD_GM=ON
# under ubuntu
cmake .. -DBUILD_GM=ON

Other steps are same as the standard Key Manager. Please refer to key-manager repository.

OSCCA-approved cryptography node configuration

FISCO BCOS OSCCA-approved cryptography version adopts dual certificate mode, so two sets of certificates are needed for disk encryption. They are the conf/gmnode.key and conf/origin_cert/node.key. Other operations of disk encryption are the same as [Standard Edition Loading Encryption Operation] (./storage_security.md).

cd key-manager/scripts
#encrypt conf/gmnode.key parameter: ip port  Node private key file cipherDataKey
bash encrypt_node_key.sh 31443 nodes/ ed157f4588b86d61a2e1745efe71e6ea 
#encrypt conf/origin_cert/node.key parameter: ip port  Node private key file cipherDataKey
bash encrypt_node_key.sh 31443 nodes/ ed157f4588b86d61a2e1745efe71e6ea